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The Manifest aromatherapy candle was created with the idea of bringing ritual, reverence and magic into your daily life. It's quite simply really, when you light it, you set your intencions, you release a message and send your wishes out ito the universe in the form of energy. You may also choose to use your candle to compliment a yoga or meditation practice, or perhaps you simply ignite with your evening or morning self-care ritual. 




How to Manifest with Essential Oils?

Scent Power

Our sense of smell is deeply connected to our subconscious mind, making essential oils a potent tool for embedding your goals deep within your psyche.

High Vibrational Energy

Natural essential oils have high vibrational frequencies, which are crucial for elevating your own energy to attract what you desire.

Positivity Boost

Essential oils can infuse you with confidence, energy, and positivity, all key elements for successful manifestation. We need to feel positive and good when manifesting, imagine setting a goal with a whole load of negative thoughts – it ain’t gonna happen. 


Essential Oils


Perfect for gaining clarity on your goals. Its calming properties help you focus on your deepest desires.


Myrrh is said to connect you with the divine and ground you in your inner wisdom.  It can help you relax, improves mood, and calms anxiety. 


Elemi promotes a wonderful sense of well-being and mood enhancement. Often used to stimulate mental ability, it is clarifying and rejuvenating, bringing joy back. 

Clary Sage

Clary Sage is especially helpful, as its warming and deeply relaxing scent promotes a sense of self-awareness, motivation, and positivity. Essential oil can help you be aware of what it is you want to manifest.


Everything about the orange taps into vibrational healing. When we say its name, it conjures a bright, positive, and happy color. It emits a joyous, hopeful vibration to lift us from the shadow realms into the light.

Orange essential oil  can help boost energy and motivation.  A great choice  for manifesting your financial goals. 


Aromatherapy properties

An energising blend that brings renewed life and uplift to any environment

Great for action and focus, helping to keep negative thoughts at bay. 


How to use Manifest Aromatherapy Candle

The first step in manifesting your goals is to identify what you want and get really clear about it – for example are you looking for a particular job that offers a set working pattern or certain salary? A dream house with a clear set of must haves? Or a partner who brings certain qualities with them? Having a clear goal is essential. 


Manifesting Ritual

Light it  whenever you’re actively working on your manifestation goals, creating a ritual that aligns scent with intention.


  • Find some quite space
  • Light a candle
  • Sit with your notebook, journal or create your own vision board
  • Set your intention - What do you want to create this year? 
  • What actions will you take to help move towards your goals
  • Read your intentions daily to keep you focused on your clear goal
  • Keep your practice intimate and personal to help the magic flow in your direction only. Along with your intention, when you light the candle pour spiritual energy into it as well as your gratitude for the blessings you are about to receive.


Our Manifest Aromatherpy Blend - associated with vision and clarity, helps you pinpoint what you truly want to manifest.

Manifestation with essential oils is about creating a sensory bridge to your subconscious, aligning your energy and focus with your deepest desires. 



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